Imani J Dawson
Singer-Songwriter, model, actress, creative. All rounder

Imani J Dawson was born and raised in the quiet suburbs of Rockland County, New York. The beautiful foliage and sounds of nature would shape her vivid imagination and love for the arts. From a young age, Imani was very much influenced by hand-drawn Disney movies and their musical numbers. After singing with her church's junior gospel choir for several years, Imani continued to follow her musical passion. Throughout grade school she participated in many school plays and would eventually join the Junior High School's choir. With a background in R&B and Gospel Imani is also no stranger to Pop, Rock, and Funk.
Since Imani’s arrival to Japan, she has performed at weddings, live concerts, and various television shows, including appearances with Miho Fukuhara, Yo Oizumi, Nogizaka46, Yazawa Eikichi, Arashi, and Yoshii Kazuya. She has lent her voice to the SONY PlayMemories, Canon commercials, and UBISOFT's Hip Hop Experience video game. Imani has had the pleasure of working with renowned producers such as Harada Ken, Ishii Ken, and Komuro Tetsuya. She has also provided backing vocals, dialog, lyrics, and English guide vocals for artists such as YOASOBI, Nanase Aikawa, HY, SuG, TOTALFAT, LITTLE GLEE MONSTER, Genki Sudo’s WORLD ORDER, MAO from SID, UVERworld, HYDE, INORAN, T.M.Revolution, and Gospellers.
On January 15th, 2014 Imani released her first album titled “Day By Day” which was produced by DJ CHIKA aka INHERIT, TAKEO Kajiwara, and Yo-Hey. Her single “There Are Days” appears on volume 9 of the popular IN YA MELLOW TONE series and reached number 1 on the radio power play charts.
ニューヨーク州 ロックランド郡の静かな郊外で生まれ育ったイマニ。 美しい落ち葉と自然の音が彼女の生き生きとした感性、芸術への愛を形作ることとなる。
幼少にディズニー映画やその音楽に影響を受け、教会でゴスペルクワイアに数年参加してのち、音 楽への情熱を追い続けることを決意する。
学生時代通じて沢山の演劇に参加するが、最終的にはクワイアに傾倒することとなる。その背景 にはリズム&ブルースはもちろんのこと、ポッフス、ロックやファンクにもある。
日本に居を移してのち、ウェディングやライブ活動、テレビ出演(福原美穂、大泉洋、乃木坂 46、矢沢永吉、嵐、吉井和哉等)などで活躍。 プロデューサー、小室哲哉、ケン・イシイ、原田憲との仕事も記憶に新しい。その他、YOASOBI、相川七瀬、 HY、SuG、LITTLE GLEE MONSTER、須藤元気WORLD ORDER、シド、UVERworld、 T.M.REVOLUTION、HYDE、INORANやゴスペラーズ等、ジャンルを問わず様々なアーティストと の共演を果たし活躍をしている。
2014 1/15、プロデューサーにDJ CHIKA aka INHERIT、梶原武雄、Yo-Heyを迎えファーストアル バム、Day By Dayをリリース。
IN YA MELLOW TONE volume 9 に収められているシングル、There Are Daysはラジオチャート1 位を獲得した。